Sunday, October 21, 2007

What made me smile today?

The baby boy took his time coming into this world, he couldn't help it, he was a big baby, but his mama helped his exit with slow, steady pushes, that said, come on, little one, it'll be OK. We're waiting for you, and welcome you to our family. At last, his head emerged, and with a final push from mama, came sliding out to cheers, and laugher. With a loud bellow, he announced his arrival, and was cuddled in his mama's arms. His daddy smiled broadly, and took a picture of his newborn son. What a big boy, everyone commented! How big is he? At the scale, daddy and the nurses hovered around as the baby was placed on it, and oh wow, he was big! 10 lbs. 12 oz., and 24" long. Baby boy wondered what the big deal was all about. He was only one day late. After nestling with mama, and getting some nourishment, and bonding, the family came to offer their congratulations, and introduce themselves to their new grandchild. Then, big sister arrived. She came into this world just 2 1/2 years before. She offered her blankie to her new brother, and then got to hold him, and give him kisses. He seemed to like all the attention, and the cuddling. Then, the little angel of a sister began to sing to her baby brother...twinkle, twinkle, little brother let out a loud cry. "Oh, oh I guess he doesn't like that song, I'll have to sing him a different one", said the singing angel. So the next time she came to visit him, she sang him "Bah, bah, black sheep have you any wool.... He didn't cry, so he must like that one." Everyone smiled. I can't help but smile, too.


Julie B said...

aww what a sweetie, she'll be a great big sister!
YIKES...10 lbs 12 oz! Yes, quite a big baby! And 24 inches long...he seems so humongous!

The Spirit said...

Oh, Hon...I love this story!

Peace is every step said...

Holy crap. I think Aidan and Nevie were 10#11oz at 4 months. :) Nothing like a good birth to put a permagrin on huh?

Lorrie said...

Great story and wow what a big boy! I love the part about the big sister-that was so sweet and I would have probably cried if I was there in person (: