Wow! That's all I can say when I looked outside this morning. I decided that I'd sit in the sun room, while I meditated on my Lenten readings each morning, and was greeted with an awesome view. Each day we are called to make a decision to stay close to our God. We are called every day to reaffirm our baptismal vows, the life we personally chose when we were confirmed. When we choose life, what are the blessings we receive if we make this choice every day? We are called first to love God. Everything else flows from this, for it is the greatest of God's commandments. Love consists not just in our love for God but in the fact that He first loved us. Witness this beautiful morning. We are also called to walk in his ways. We learn God's ways as we seek to understand his character and his nature. As we read his word prayerfully every day, asking him to speak to us, we allow the Spirit to teach us more clearly who God is, what motivates him, and what it means that he is a God of love, justice, and mercy. We allow the Spirit to transform our minds so that we too can take on the Father's ways and begin to think, choose, and love as He does. I try to take time to reflect on God's word, and what he wants me to do with my life. And I thank Him for sharing His love with us all. I hope we all can take time with God to reflect and renew ourselves this Lenten season.
What a contrast of seasons, with my geraniums blooming inside, while the trees are coated with snow and ice outside.
It was beautiful out there this morning-I like the contrast between blooming flowers and winter wonderland in the background (:
I, also, had to take pictures out my car door on the way to drop off the kids at school. It was just beautiful out there.
The frost looks beautiful. Isn't it kinda weird to have frost now? Or is just light snow?
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