Mac also got into the Easter finery with a desperately needed haircut. Isn't he cute!
After working the beginning of the week, I've been able to have a week off, and catch up on things. Thursday, Earl and I went to Mass before our Social Concerns meeting. We were running late, and I was perturbed that we would miss half of the Mass before we got there, and Earl has been obsessed with keeping the gas mileage the best we can get, and going 55 mi/hr and no more. But as I've come to learn, things don't always work out the way we think it will. Our priest was very late, and hadn't started Mass when we arrived, so no problem there. Our meeting went well. Friday, I met earl after my dentist appt. where I lucked out again, and got an appt. right away due to a cancellation, because I lost part of my back molar to decay. He said I came in just in time to prevent a root canal. I collected the last of the quilt squares from my co-workers to make a baby quilt for a colleague, and went to Mass @ St. Mary's. Earl then took off to the county jail to give communion to the inmates. He had 10 inmates to give out communion and say rosary with. His voice was hoarse when he got home, from saying the rosary over and over again to different groups. Then, saturday, we called Steve and Kory, and invited them to lunch @ Grizzley's. Afterwards, we explored the Home Depot, and Menard's dreaming of what we'd like to do with the kitchen.
Oh I didn't tell you that we, along with Steve and Kory, booked rooms @ the Marina in Superior for August for the Maritime Festival, and see the Pride of Baltimore that is coming there then.
Danielle offered her place to stay,as rooms were filling up fast, or costing a fortune, but as it is our anniversary that weekend, we opted for hotel rooms.
Then Sunday, we helped with Dad's Belgian Waffles @ the Kandiyohi community center to raise funds for Habitat for Humanity. This was a joint effort of the area churches-Tripolis Lutheran, Ebenezer Lutheran, Church of Christ, and St. Patrick's. We supplied the coffee and creamer, sugar, and some workers. We had a nice turnout, and enjoyed the joint venture. Of course, St. Pat's never seem to have a great showing for these events, but we do what we can. After that, I went home and typed up my minutes from my winter board meeting in bird island, thinking we needed them for our Spring Gathering in Olivia next week for CCW. After typing three pages of minutes, and calling our President, she informed me that she didn't need those from the board meeting. Uhhhg! Oh well, they're done anyway.
Then, I went with Earl to Marshall for a Mass at the Campus Ministry Center, where some people were becoming Secular Franciscans. He has been interested in finding out more about this, and met with the leaders afterwards, and given a journal to read and study about this group. He is thinking of becoming one of them, and it involves a three year study, and trips to Marshall once a month. He wants me to join too. I'm not sure what to do, and so am praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit as to what I should do.
Monday til today,
I love the baby quilt-it's adorable!!
Oh, and what is a secular fransiscan?
you have been busy! Greg's parents also have an Envoy (I knew someone else had one!)
I was wondering the same thing as Lorrie-what does it involve?
Mom, you'll love the's where we met Uncle Clare and ate.
I also have no idea what a secular fransiscan is. Sounds intense. :)
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