Sunday, January 20, 2008

Winter Burrrrrs!

After a busy week of caring for women with pneumonia, and surgeries, and post-partum recoveries, I got the weekend off. What a nice relaxing one, too. Well, almost. I had to drive to Bird Island on Saturday to attend a regional winter board meeting for whom I'm secretary in -16 degree weather, and pick up three other ladies who were going, too. I took the truck as it gets nice and toasty, and runs good in the cold. Thankfully, no mishaps occurred, and I could snuggle up at home afterwards. Friday night, my hubby and I went out to eat at the Western Steakhouse. The food was good, but with the big screen TV on, it wasn't as conducive to talking to each other. I was disappointed that it seems to be turning into a bar/lounge, instead of a nice, quiet restaurant. Still it was nice to get out. Sunday,after church, we encountered a young man walking along the highway, heading for Kandiyohi, having run out of gas in his car. We decided to stop and give him a lift to the gas station, and brought him back, and made sure his car started. He had a puppy in the car, and we could see he was happy to have his owner back. As we talked to him, he related to us about people he knew from our church. Isn't it a small world, and how after we stopped to help him, then two other cars stopped to help, too? The rest of the day was spent watching the play-off games. So, it's the Patriots and the Giants for the SuperBowl. Wished the Packers had won. So starts another week!

1 comment:

Lorrie said...

I am sure that man was so grateful someone finally stopped-and the puppy, too!