Sunday, March 13, 2011


Who do we think we are?  Who are we?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?  And why are we here?  What am I suppose to do with my life?
 Lent is a time to reflect on these things...a time to slow down, and quiet oneself.  How did our world get so hectic, and instant messaging related?  It is a time of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.  Fasting for what? For penance, for a hunger to empty ourselves, for discipline to think about others, and not just ourselves.  Prayer for connecting to Our Lord, and Mary, his mother, and all the people who need our prayers and petitions, and Alms for those struggling for the basics, the hungry, the jobless, the less fortunate.  But I feel, we need to do this all year long.  Our needs, and petitions are on-going.  Why did God make know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and be happy with him in the next.  I think, sometimes, we forget this....with our hectic schedules, family activities, work, so maybe it is good to have a special time each year-Lent.  Jesus tried to show us when he came down to this earth, how to live, by his actions, and his words.  Listen, and you will hear him speak to you.  He came as a servant, not searching for power, wealth, accolades, ambition, yet we are richer beyond measure by his love for us, and forgiveness of our sins.
 Who are we?  We are the body of Christ, and in so being, a community of sinners, who need to live in peace, love, and service to others.  May we all come to see that in our lives, and make a stand for what is right in God's eyes.

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